Gaspé - 2009



At long last, Tim and I hit the road again - he with his new (to him) 2004 Honda ST1300, and me with my 2004 FJR1300.  Together we set off to visit Lac St. Jean and the Gaspé Peninsula and then south into New Brunswick to meet up with my family as my boys participate in hockey, swimming and music camps in Fredericton.  This was a great trip, marred only one day by rain. Below are video slideshows from the trip.  I will also be posting photos and a write up when I can.  Enjoy!

Video 1 of 4


Video 2 of 4


Video 3 of 4


Video 4 of 4


Here is a photo slideshow of all the pictures uploaded so far:


And here is a panoramic view of the coast near Cap Chat (I think) using Microsoft’s new “Photosynth” tool. Let me know what you think!


And here is another Photosynth of Percé:


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